Thursday, December 31, 2009


Hello, everybody!
Happy New Year's Eve! (and happy 4:20 at the moment :D)
Here's some drug-induced poetry from the vault of Donnie.


"A waterfall's gleam
In a staggering sunlight
An ocean of grass"

"Universal winds
A steady path to oneness
With nature's children"


"I am a blade of grass
A tree branch
The fruit of the vine"

"a lotus purple light"

"Warm, windswept clouds of orange hues loom in the upper quadrants of a golden sky. A twilit grove lie in slumber, for winters of yore have yielded warmer an eve."

"she'll walk a silver path to a mountain altar
she'll run her hands through cloud and grass

More to come!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Pomegranates "Everybody Come Outside!"

1. Everybody Come Outside
2. Beachcomber
3. This Land Used To Be My Land, But Now I Hate This Land
4. Southern Ocean
5. Sail (Away With Me)
6. Corriander
7. 384 B.C.
8. Svaatzi Uutsi
9. Jerusalem Had A Bad Day
10. Tesseract
11. I Feel Like A Million Years Old

This has been the soundtrack to my life since September! 5 out of 5!

Joey's vocal work amazes me still to this day. A great indie atmosphere is created by soft guitar riffs and the perfectly accented "bells" that a lot of indie artists use. This Cincinnati 4 piece has revolutionized the indie scene with tightly wound tracks and thought provoking lyrics.
If you like it, buy it!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Salvia Experience

This is my experience of the powerful entheogen, Salvia Divinorum. Salvia is an intense Atypical Psychedelic, for those who didn't know.

Me and two friends were bummed that we couldn’t find shrooms for this beautifully clear autumn day. So, we had to head to the local head shop to pick up some salvia as a “last ditch effort”...ha! I had read reports on the stuff and assumed them all exaggerated…oh how wrong I was, so very wrong. We bought a circular case of Purple Sticky Salvia 60x. We sat down at my friend’s apartment and packed a bong slide with the magical black flakes.

I think if I would have had ANY idea of the sheer power and dissociative properties of this extract I would have handled it better. The friend whose apartment it was took the first rip. He proceeded to take off his shirt and act really disconnected. Eventually I took a nice lungful and I felt the “salvia space” creeping up from my chest to my head before even blowing out smoke. "Amber" by 311 sculpted my trip for the better.

Before the drums even kicked in I was plunged into an alternate plane of existence, in which nothing seemed to have a connection to any shred of reality. It was an orange room full of life. Letters spelling something I cannot recall drift past my head and multiply. The room became circular and turned sideways dumping everything in it into an infinite free fall through spiraling colored letters from before. The color combination of white, orange, yellow, and red seemed so fitting for the fall season.

This is where shit got outlandishly fucked up. The spiraling letters became large enough to reach out to in order to stop falling. After an unsuccessful attempt to climb on them, they turned into 1000 Benny The Cabs (Roger Rabbit it) all in perfect spiral rows. Until they all took off in a squealing tire fashion. The noise of 1000 squealing tires kinda freaked me out and sent me into another plane. I find myself in a middle of a race track where the taxi cabs cartoons were driving every which way, tearing the color from the ground and whirling it around me. At this point I am thrown back into the orange room which is now starting to form into a civilization. Not a civilization in the concrete sense--such as buildings and structures--but in the form of law, regulation, and maybe a slight connection to reality.

The orange room comes to an open funnel end which I fall through taking me to another plane based on things that I was apparently looking at since my friends came down before me and were able to see my actions. The blue carpet represented a blue sky which I sat under on a bay in the shining sun watching the sailboats meander along the docks. Skyscrapers in contrasting silver color loomed over me as their reflection on the lake seemed to be on the other side of the world, seen through the portal of the water. “The other side of the world,” I thought while I fell into the ocean “or reality!?” It was too late. I doomed myself to the most frantic and insane comedown I could ever imagine.

The portal took me back into the orange spiral room in between infinite rows of yellow walls. I felt like I was going to be stuck in this alternate universe forever, completely unaware that I took any kind of drug. But sure enough I began to come to. A shirt laying on a pillow took on a face card look (from alice in wonderland) and began to order me to stop trying to talk to my friends because they were part of the “multi-colored arc couch of life” (the sectional couch my friend had) which took on the familiar color combination fore-mentioned. The king of this couch council was my friend sitting in the chair placed at the end of it, which appeared as a throne with an undying light from the window in the background. I asked him (in real life, apparently) if we could talk to each other. Which he was puzzled by but I don't remember his reply. All the objects in the room are visible and very brightly colored, but I feel myself being pulled back into the trip and at that point I started to freak out. It was a very overwhelming experience that I wasn't ready to jump back into. But sure enough the room started to look somewhat normal again. I stood up to try to collect myself and all my motions felt so fluid. I imagined myself a windmill spinning my arms around in a swaying meadow and was very amused.

As the trip ended I sat in the recliner and came to a number of discoveries about my trip. The round orange room I was in was actually an orange lamp sitting beside me. At this discovery I just laughed and laughed. I told my friends that I would never touch salvia again but I soon changed my mind and now I long for another experience now that I know what is going to happen.

Ayahuasca: A Journey to Waters Unknown

Dimethyltryptamine (DMT)
A spiritual medium for multidimensional transcendence and entity contact.

The pineal gland of the human brain, which is located directly behind your Third Eye chakra, actually produces DMT. It is released in excess during birth, REM sleep (dreams), and death (the bright light is a DMT trip). Lizards also possess a pineal gland, but it has a lens and a cornea to represent a physical third eye.

The oldest Amazonian shamanistic practices include this Schedule 1 drug in an herbal brew called Ayahuasca. DMT is in damn near every living thing and is found in high quantities in several Amazonian plants. It is not active orally unless accompanied by an MAO inhibitor (like an anti-depressant), which some plants--found in the same area--contain MAOI alkaloids. So, this brew is a tea made from the combination of these plants and is a very important part of shamanistic rituals.

Now you know!

My best friend and I have ordered Mimosa Hostilis root bark (DMT source) and Syrian Rue seed (MAOI source) and plan on concocting this sacred brew for a visionary and spiritual experience. Wish us luck!

Dirty Projectors "Bitte Orca"

1. Cannibal Resource
2. Temecula Sunrise
3. The Bride
4. Stillness Is The Move
5. Two Doves
6. Useful Chamber
7. No Intention
8. Remade Horizon
9. Fluorescent Half Dome

What a spectacular album! 5 out of 5

From the fluttery acoustic guitar work and master vocals of Temecula Sunrise to the portrait painting--instrumental prowess of Two Doves, this album is jam-packed with talent and an upbeat atmosphere.

A great album for my upcoming journey (which I will address in a separate post).

If you like the album, buy it!
Support your music!


Hello fellow bloggers and blog readers alike!

I'm Donnie, and this blog will be a collection of:

Current music interest (bands will most always be accompanied by a download link if available)
Drug experiences/interests/art/recipes (I'm a bit of a psychonaut :P)
Book quotes/reviews
Photographs (of whatever)
Random tidbits of whatever tickles my fancy!

Just so you know what to expect!

I'm really looking forward to this and see it as a kind of online journal, haha.
Even if no one is reading i will continue to post!